Videos How can I create a new video? Estimated reading: 1 minute To create a new video, you must first click on the “Videos” tab on the left side of the admin panel. Before creating a video, you need to add a video category here. To do this, you must press the “+” button you will see on the screen. Here you can write the name of the video category and the order in which you want it to appear in the player panel. You should then return to the “Videos” menu again. You can see all the videos he created here. To add a new video, you must first select a category and then press the “New Video” button at the top right. This is the video creation section. First, you must write the video name and description. In the “Advanced Settings” section, you need to upload the video file and choose how long to give it to users. If you want, you can add a test at the end of this video. In the “Users & Awards” section, you must choose which users you will assign the video to and then choose the reward you will distribute. After pressing the “Submit” button, you can successfully create a new video. Congratulations! Next - Videos How can I view users watching videos?