Missions How can I create a new missions? Estimated reading: 2 minutes To create a new task, you must first click on the “Tasks” tab on the left side of the admin panel. Before creating a task, you need to add a task category here. To do this, you must press the “+” button you will see on the screen. Here you can write the name of the mission category and the order in which you want it to appear in the player panel. Then you have to return to the “missions” menu again. After selecting a category here, you must press the “New Mission” button at the top right to add a new mission. This is the task creation section. First of all, you need to determine the task name, the order in which this task will appear, and the start and finish dates. You can also determine at what time it will start and end in the box where you see the dates. If you do not set a custom time, the system time will be used by default. After completing these, you should write your job description in the description section. After writing the task description, you can click the “Next” button and choose which users to assign the task to. Afterwards, you can determine the metrics of the task in the “Rule Sets” section. In the “Actions” section, you can determine the rewards you will assign to the players as a result of the mission. In the “Schedule” section, you can give a command to renew the task daily or weekly. In the “Miscellaneous” section, you can also select the final details about the mission. Here you can delete xp or moti for users who cannot complete the task in the “leaderboard” settings and “penalties” sections. Finally, you can create the task by pressing the “Submit” button. Congratulations! Next - Missions How can I edit a mission I created?