
How can I use MotivacraftTV?

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

We will show you how to use MotivacraftTV step by step.We will show you how to use MotivacraftTV step by step.

Step 1:

Open a browser page and visit address. When you first time come to this address you will see an explanatory screen with a registration code. Please write down this registration code and do not close this webpage or refresh the page. Leave it be for now.

Step 2:

On a different tab or on a different computer, log in to and go to the admin page. Click the Motivacraft TV tab on the left menu and under it, please select the Monitors tab.

Step 3:

Click “New Monitor” ot the top right and fill the information required there. Enter the registration code you got from window here and click submit. 

Now you can go back to the tab and wait a couple of seconds. As you have no playlist yet, you’d be seeing the registration code screen disappears and an empty screen comes. That’s totally normal.

Step 4:

Now it is time to create our playlist. Please go to the Motivacraft TV > Playlists section on the left menu. Give a name and description to your playlist. At the bottom lies your timeline. You can add 

– General Leaderboard (based on XP)

– Custom Leaderboard(s) After selecting the custom leaderboard, you’ll see a dropdown at the bottom to choose which custom leaderboard you’d like to display. (Collected boxes or performance)

– Mission Leaderboard: You can choose to show leaderboard for any mission, using the dropdowsn at the bottom of the settings page.

– Mission Top 10: This is a wall of fame feature and will display the top 10 players in that mission.

– Competition Leaderboard:

– Competition Top 10

– Announcements: you can display any 1920X1080px JPEG as an announcement. Announcements are managed (uploaded, changed etc.) from a separate panel on the left menu. Any announcement you have uploaded to the system can be added to the playlist directly.

– Date and Time: Please do not forget to select the correct time zone for the display. By default the organization’s time zone will come preselected.

– Weather: Please write the city name at the bottom area. Majority of the world’s cities are already in the database but if the city is not found, please try to enter some other place close to you.

Please note that, using the up and down arrows at the bottom of the playlist partitions, you can set how long each partition will stay on screen. Leaderboards with more than 10 players listed will rotate the users every ten seconds. First 10 will be shown for 10 seconds, later 11-20 will be shown 10 seconds so forth. For instance if you have a list of 50 players, it is recommended to set the mission leaderboard partition time as 50 seconds. 

Step 5:

If you haven’t done it already, attach this playlist to the monitor you have previously created. And enjoy the screens reflecting the actions.


This is the place where you manage your announcements. When you create a new announcement, there are two options given at the bottom. If you choose to automatically add to all playlists, this announcement will be added to all of the playlists without any further steps. If you choose not to automatically add, then you can add this announcement to any playlist as a partition manually later. 

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