Features How to use the reward market? Estimated reading: 1 minute We have created a reward market system where you can spend the Moti points you earn after completing your tasks in Motivacraft and having enjoyable competitions with your team. To reach the prize market, simply click on the gift icon in the upper right corner of the game screen. You can see how many Moti are required for each reward in the reward market created by your game manager. You can convert your accumulated Moti into rewards here and enjoy the reward. You will also find that there are some special rewards available in the reward market that you cannot purchase using Moti. To earn these rewards, you must complete a special mission or rank up in the competition. In the description section of the rewards, it will be written in detail what you need to do to win. Come on, big prizes are waiting for you! Features - Previous What is Moti? Next - Features How does the activity system work?